
Automotive design

Automotive design is the profession involved in the development of the appearance, and to some extent the ergonomics, of motor vehicles or more specifically road vehicles. This most commonly refers to automobiles but also refers to motorcycles, trucks, buses, coaches, and vans.


Phantom of the Opera, Bach Duo on a floor keyboard

Two artists playing Phantom of the Opera (a Bach Duo) on a FLOOR KEYBOARD surrounded by a crowd, just like the 80's Tom Hank's movie, "Big" (in that movie they played Chop Sticks--this is much cooler.)

Presented for your viewing pleasure by:

The Dollar for Eddie Channel! Send a dollar to support a writer's dreams, read some stories, and BE ENTERTAINED along the way. That little dollar will support a good cause!

My name is Eddie, and I'm a starving artist. Or, rather, a starving writer. Living paycheck to paycheck, I've had a hard time making ends meet and still have the time to develop my writing career.

Donate a simple, single dollar, and get a little something cool in return


Light Design

 A challenge to "build a better light" in the quest for fame and fortune lit up Otago Polytechnic design students' creativity this month.

Light Design

Less is More and More is Less

Less is More and More is Less

Clean design can make good design.



An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition, process or discovery. It may also be an improvement upon, or alternate means, of achieving an existing desired result or function. An invention that is not derived from an existing model or idea, or that achieves a completely unique function, discovery, or result, may be a radical breakthrough. In addition, there is cultural invention, which is an innovative set of useful social behaviors adopted by people and passed on to others


Furniture also play a important role to make people life easy, convenience